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中部地區位於本州島的中部,東臨太平洋、西靠日本海。氣候因地區不同而變化較大: 靠日本海一側的地區以豐沛的降雪而聞名,而靠太平洋一側的地區則全年氣候溫和。位於高原的一些城鎮,因其涼爽的氣候而成為人們夏日消暑的絕好去處。日本阿爾卑斯山自北向南橫貫於中部地區,其中的一些山峰巍峨挺拔,因而被稱為“日本屋脊”。

The Chubu region in central Honshu faces both the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan. The climate varies greatly according to the area: while the Sea of Japan side is famous for heavy snowfall, the Pacific side generally enjoys a mild climate throughout the year. Some towns, located on plateaus, are very popular as summer retreats due to their cool climate. The Japan Alps, which has several lofty mountains and is thus called the Roof of Japan, extends from north to south in the Chubu region.

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中部地區有幾條日本最長的河流,是日本沿海最大的稻米產區之一。該地區擁有三個工業區: 中京工業區—豐田汽車公司總廠的所在地;東海工業區—雅馬哈公司所在地;以及北陸工業區。除盛產大米外,這裡還生產茶、柑橘、草莓、葡萄、桃和蘋果等農產品。

The Chubu region has some of Japan’s longest rivers and one of the largest riceproducing areas, located along the Sea of Japan. It has three industrial areas: the Chukyo Industrial Zone, which is home to the main facility of Toyota Motors; the Tokai Industrial Region, where Yamaha is based; and the Hokuriku Industrial Region. In addition to rice, agricultural products include tea, mandarin oranges, strawberries, grapes, peaches, and apples.

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The most famous landmark of this largely mountainous region is Mount Fuji. It is Japan’s highest (3,776 meters, or 12,388 feet) and most highly regarded mountain, considered sacred by some Japanese. Its conical form has inspired generations of artists and is world renowned as a symbol of Japan. In 2013, the World Heritage Committee decided to inscribe Fujisan, sacred place and source of artistic inspiration on the World Cultural Heritage List. The inscribed property consists of 25 sites which reflect the essence of Fujisan‘s sacred and artistic landscape. “Fujisan” has long been the object of pilgrimages and inspired artists and poets. During the climbing season, from July 1 to August 31, it is crowded with climbers. Other sightseeing spots in the Chubu region are the Izu Peninsula in Shizuoka Prefecture, which has a subtropical climate, many beautiful beaches, and a great number of hot springs; and Zenkoji in Nagano Prefecture, a well-known temple that attracts a large number of visitors from all over the country.