






The Japanese archipelago consists of mostly mountainous islands that stretch from northeast to southwest about 2,800 km long. In total land area (377,950 sq km,2010), it is a bit larger than Finland or Italy and roughly the same size as the American state of Montana. The four major islands are Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. As of September 2013, the total population of Japan is 127.27 million.


Hokkaido Region


該地區由北海道島—日本四大島嶼中位置最北也是第二大島嶼—及其周邊島嶼組成。該島的南部隔津輕海峽與本州相望(二島可通過海底鐵路相連)。氣候同日本其他地區的氣候相差較大,夏天一般較為涼爽,而冬天卻非常寒冷。北海道境內山脈縱橫交錯,美麗的自然風光聞名遐邇。這裡有原始森林、活火山以及寬闊的湖泊。位於北海道東部的釧路濕地是日本丹頂鶴等候鳥棲息的天堂。位於北海道東北部地區的知床半島於2005 年被列入世界自然遺產。

This region is formed by Hokkaido Island—the northernmost and the second largest of Japan’s four main islands—and several surrounding islands. This island is separated from Honshu to the south by the Tsugaru Strait (although the two islands are connected by train service via an undersea tunnel). The climate is very different from the rest of Japan. It is generally cooler in the summer and very cold in the winter. Hokkaido is criss-crossed by mountain ranges and is famous for its natural scenery, including virgin forests, active volcanoes, and large lakes. Kushiro Marsh, in the east of Hokkaido, is famous as a paradise for migrating birds such as the Japanese red-crested crane. Part of the Shiretoko Peninsula in northeast Hokkaido was designated a World Heritage site in 2005.



Hokkaido was first settled in the sixteenth century by Japanese who began to trade with the indigenous Ainu people there, but it was in the late nineteenth century that the island’s full-scale development was launched by the Meiji administration.


Fishing and forestry are important parts of Hokkaido’s agriculture and underlie much of the island’s industrial activity, including food processing, woodworking, pulp, and paper industries.


The capital city, Sapporo, is famous for the Snow Festival held in early February, with many large sculptures made of snow and ice on display, forming spectacular scenes. Hakodate, a large city in the south of Hokkaido, is noted for its beautiful night views. Within Japan’s system of prefectures, Hokkaido alone is categorized as a “circuit,” though it is the equivalent of a prefecture.