


夏(6月、7月和8月)Summer (June, July, August)


在真正的夏季來臨之前,日本將經歷一個潮濕的雨季,它被稱為梅雨(tsuyu)。5月至7月,在鄂霍次克海至日本北部上空形成冷空氣高壓氣團;而太平洋上空則形成暖濕空氣高壓氣團。冷、暖兩大氣團交匯的分界線稱為梅雨前線(baiu zensen)或“雨季前鋒”,這一帶常常形成低壓暖氣流。因此,從中國南部一直延伸到日本群島的梅雨前線(baiu zensen),會造成連綿不斷的降雨。


Before the arrival of real summerlike weather, Japan has a damp rainy season known as tsuyu. From May until July, there is a high pressure mass of cold air above the Sea of Okhotsk to the north of Japan, while over the Pacific Ocean there develops a high-pressure mass of warm, moist air. Along the line where these cold and warm air masses meet, known as the baiu zensen, or “rainy season front,” there often develop areas of low-pressure warm air. Thus the baiu zensen, which extends from southern China over the Japanese archipelago, causes prolonged periods of continuous rainfall.


7月中旬過後,太平洋上空的高壓氣團占據上風,隨著梅雨前線(baiu zensen) 的北移,雨季宣告結束。從太平洋吹來的季風將暖濕氣流帶到日本,於是全國進入炎熱的夏季,氣溫常常升至30℃以上。


After the middle of July, high-pressure airmasses over the Pacific Ocean become predominant and the rainy season comes to an end as the baiu zensen is pushed northward. Seasonal winds from the Pacific Ocean bring warm, moist air to Japan, and the country has hot summer weather with many days when temperatures rise to more than 30 degrees centigrade.