

從合資企業的地域分佈看,外商獨資企業和合資企業主要集中在哈少數發達城市和地區,僅阿拉木圖就吸引了67. 9%的獨資企業和50. 2%的合資企業,各有9. 1%的外商獨資和合資企業在首都阿斯坦納註冊經營。From joint-ventures geographical distribution point of view, wholly-owned enterprises and joint ventures are mainly concentrated in Kazakhstan’s few developed cities and regions. Almaty has only attracted 67,9% of wholly-owned enterprises and 50,2% of joint ventures , and 9,1 % of registered business capital of wholly-owned enterprises and joint ventures are in Astana.

Overall, the market oriented reforms and application to “entry to WTO” and stable economic growth are all the favorable factors of the influence and promotion .Kazakhstan gradually improves the laws and regulations related to the investment making the introduction of a variety of attracting foreign investment preferential policy .Kazakhstan also improves foreign investment environment and conditions which to continue to improve. The foreign direct investment growth in Kazakhstan which remained stable, has effectively promoted the development of the national economy. And as of Chinese enterprises to carry out direct investment, Kazakhstan has created better conditions, which will further enhance the Central Asia’s investment level and promote China’s “going out” strategy and expand Central Asia’s  “strategy.