

內外資政策的逐步統一事實上減少了政策優惠。隨著經濟好轉, 尤其是在“入世”的推動下,哈對外商投資的政策進行了一系列調整。取消內外資企業在稅種、稅率和稅收待遇上的差別,改變內外稅法分立的狀況,逐步消除內外稅制等各種差別,為內外資企業創造一個公平合理的市場競爭環境。但外商優惠政策的逐步調整事實上減少了外商投資企業的政策優惠,對那些缺乏核心技術優勢、對優惠政策較為依賴的加工貿易型中小跨國公司來說影響較大,尤其對那些主要依賴優惠政策而生存的企業影響更甚,中國在哈企業也不例外。
The gradual unification of internal and external policies has actually reduced the preferential policies. As the economy improves, especially in the promotion of “WTO entry”, the policy of foreign enterprises in categories of taxes, in tax rate and tax treatment differences and changed both outside and inside tax system and other differences which created a fair marker competition environment for both domestic and foreign enterprises. But the gradual adjustment of the foreign investors with the preferential policies in fact reduces the enterprises with foreign investment preferential policies for those who lack the core technology advantages, the more dependent on preferential policies of processing trade and multinational companies which affect larger, especially for those mainly rely on preferential policies of enterprise storage which affects even more and Chinese enterprises in Kazakhstan is not an exception.