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Both China and India are regarded as the most potential developing countries in the world. They have many similarities during the founding of new China and the early Indian independence in the last century 50s. Such as the pressure of agriculture comes with the large population, back then they were both setting goal as becoming real industrial countries and were running planned economic system as well. However China and India also have many differences up till now. The development prospects of China and India cause the attention of all countries in the world. what exact differences are between these two economic environment?

Will India surpass China in the future? with problems above, this article will trying to analyze the economic prospects of India and China with talking about the economy control comes from the government, the environment of investment and economy and the model of the economic. See if India will surpass China in the future or not.

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2 0 0 9年瑞士洛桑國際管理學院(IMD)發佈的世界競爭力年報(WCY)中,印度2009年經濟增長表現最好的方面有:對外直接投資、股市資本、國外直接投資、移動通信增長、貨物與服務出口、衛生基礎設施建設、高級管理人才優勢、財政預算、電腦、未來能源供應保障和能源基礎設施建設。與其他國家相比,排名優勢最大的專案是勞動力市場規模(第1位元)和經濟內需(第3位)。而中國最具競爭力的領域有:公共財政(第1位)、就業(第2位)、經濟內需(第2位)、國際貿易(第5位)和科技基礎設施(第6位)。較弱的領域有:衛生與環境(53位)、管理(51位)、教育(49位)、商業物流(43位)等。本文將持續增長的因素歸結為:政府對經濟的控制力,投資和經濟環境以及經濟的增長模式,從這幾個方面去比較分析中國和印度的優勢和劣勢,洞察兩個國家今後的經濟發展情況。

The main subjects in the best economic growth area in India 2009 are foreign direct investment, capital stock market, the growth of the mobile communication, the exports of goods and services, health infrastructure construction, the advantages of senior management, the budget, computer, the future energy supply guarantees and infrastructure construction, according to The World Competitiveness Yearbook (WCY) published by Swiss International Management Institute of Lausanne (IMD). Compared with other countries, the size of the labor market (the first place) and the economic domestic demand (the third place) have their advantages. While the most competitive fields of China are public finance (the first place), employment (the second place), economic domestic demand (the second place), international trade (the fifth place) and science and technology infrastructure (the sixth place) and the less competitive fields are: health and environment (the 53 place), management (the 51 place), education (the 49 place), business logistics (the 43 place), etc. This article will talk about the economy control comes from the government, the environment of investment and economy and the model of the economic. And  will keep notice on the economic growth of these two countries.