一帶一路 | 走進印度之印度電子業和農業 由 星辰前海律师 | 1月 14, 2016 | 一帶一路 | 0 条评论 中印投資法律服務有限公司是一家中、港、印三地律師、稅務師、金融專家等專業人士組建的投資服務聯盟,專為中國企業投資印度提供商業資訊、企業註冊、法律及稅務等全方位服務。 企業微信號:zhongyintouzi 一帶一路 電子業 The Electronics Industry 由於印度本土電子廠商競爭力有限,電子零元件無法完全供應許多在印度設廠的國際電腦,通訊及消費電子等3C大廠生產所需,我國部分電子零元件廠商可針對此一商機,積極拓展. Because the local Indian electronic factories are of less competitive ability, the electronic components is not available for supplying too many international computer companies which located their factories in India. Since there is a great demand for the communication and consumer electronics such as 3 c factories, this is a business opportunity which our electronic components factories can seize. 農業 Agriculture 印度以農業立國,65-70%的人口依賴農業為生,全國43%的土地用於農耕以養育10億以上人口,農產占GDP產值19.3%。由於耕地多缺乏完善灌溉系統,60%的農地仰賴每年7-9月季風雨季帶來充沛雨量,但因降雨量不穩定,影響農作物收成,使得許多農民生活困難,因還不起農業貸款而自殺時有所聞,農業成為印度政府相當重視的產業之一。 India is an agricultural nation, there are 65-70% people are relying on agriculture for a living. There are 43% lands are used for farming in order to feed 1 billion people. The output valued brought from agriculture accounts for 19.3% of GDP. Much farming lands with imperfect irrigation system makes 60% farming lands have to rely on the abundant rainfall brought from July to September. The rainfall is not very stable so that it influences the harvest. This make many farmers’ lives difficult. It’s not a fresh news that farmer commits suicide because of agricultural loans. Agriculture becomes one of industries which Indian government paid much attention to. 提交评论 取消回复您的电子邮箱地址不会被公开。 必填项已用*标注评论 * 显示名称 * 电子邮箱地址 * 网站地址 在此浏览器中保存我的显示名称、邮箱地址和网站地址,以便下次评论时使用。 Δ