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Pharmacy Industry

印度製藥業經過近30年的發展,無論是技術,藥品品質及種類,都已達一定水準,從簡單的頭痛藥到較複雜的抗生素及心血管藥物,都可自行製造,所生產藥品獲得美國食品暨藥物管理局(FDA)核准之案件,是除美國以外最多的國家.該產業年產值約100億美元,居全球第13,如以產量計,居全球第4,由於印度藥廠素質佳,經驗豐富且生產成本低,臨床實驗時程較歐美大幅縮短,近年印度藥廠漸成為國際主要藥廠研發,測試及製造基地, 預計未來印度每年約可取得40-100億美元的委外承制訂單,在全球每年600億美元的外包藥品市場中占上一席之地.

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The pharmacy industry in India has reached a certain level in technology, drug quality and varietiesdue to the development in the past 30 years. India can produces on its own not only medicine such as headache medicine, but also can produces some complicated medicine such as Antibiotics and cardiovascular drugs. Besides the United States, India is the country which is awarded most drugsapprovalsby America FDA in the world.The annual output value of Indian pharmacy industry is about 10 billion, which ranks 13th in the world. It ranks 4th if the output value is calculated by production. Indian Pharmacy factories is good in quality, having rich experience as well as low cost. The time consuming for clinical trial is drastically shorter compared to the time spent in Europe and United States. In recent years, Indian pharmacy factories gradually become international pharmacy research centers and the bases for test and manufacturing. We can predict that India might obtain outsourcing orders valued $US 4 billion to 10 billion, which makes India a strong and powerful competitor in international outsourcing pharmacy market. This market brings with 60 billion US dollars annually.

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