一帶一路 | 走進印度之印度風險投資公司 由 星辰前海律师 | 1月 7, 2016 | 一帶一路 | 0 条评论 中印投資法律服務有限公司是一家中、港、印三地律師、稅務師、金融專家等專業人士組建的投資服務聯盟,專為中國企業投資印度提供商業資訊、企業註冊、法律及稅務等全方位服務。 企業微信號:zhongyintouzi 一帶一路 風險投資商為下一商機而展開激烈競爭,而他們在很大程度上將寶押在了本地交付的創業公司以及一些涉及食品、高科技、教育、醫療以及旅遊行業的前途明朗的成熟企業。然而,到下一階段,由於眾多企業持續性的不足,先前的積極性將遭遇重創,許多企業將越來越多地依賴於投資資金。 The venture investors are competing intensely for the next business opportunity. In certain extent, they are paying high attention to the local startup companies and those mature enterprises having bright future, which involved in the industries such as food, high-tech, education, medical treatment and traveling. However, when it comes to the next phase, because of lacking sustainability, there are lots of enterprises will suffer frustration in the aspect of positivity. A lot of enterprises will more and more likely rely on the investment capital. 雖然風險投資商們的投資熱情將於年底退潮,但個人天使投資資金將有望增加。據相關資料統計顯示,印度的個人天使投資從2014年的340增加到2015年的622,而風險投資商的投資基金則同期從71增長到132。這樣一來,瓶頸狀態難以避免:將只有不到四分之一的以天使投資為資本的創業公司能從風投商那裡獲得投資資金。 Although the venture investors’ enthusiasm will fade by the end of the year, the personal angel investment fund will increase. According to the statistics from relevant materials, the personal angel investment in India increased from 340 to 622 since 2014 to 2015. In the same time, investment capital invested by venture investor increased from 71 to 132. Thus this kind of tense is more likely to happen: there will be less than ¼ startup companies which owned capital from angel investment may obtain investment capital from those venture investors. 提交评论 取消回复您的电子邮箱地址不会被公开。 必填项已用*标注评论 * 显示名称 * 电子邮箱地址 * 网站地址 在此浏览器中保存我的显示名称、邮箱地址和网站地址,以便下次评论时使用。 Δ