
The world is facing new challenges and threats today. The world economy has still not recovered from consequences of the global financial and economic crisis. The recovery continues at a very slow and uncertain pace, and some countries remain in decline. The geopolitical crisis and the sanctions policy of the leading powers create an additional obstacle for the recovery of the world economy.


From my experience, I feel that the years to come will become the time of global trials. The entire architecture of the world will be changing. Not all countries will be able to get through these complications in a decent manner. Only strong states, with their people united, will manage to do that. Kazakhstan, as a part of the world economy and a country located very close to the epicentre of geopolitical tensions, is experiencing negative pressure from all these challenges. We see the results: prices in global markets are dropping, and general economic growth is slowing down.


As is known, the forecasts of the development of the global economy for 2014 and the next two years were revised downward by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. That means we need to revise our own plans, and make adjustments for the coming period. There is no time for hesitation. The measures I will talk about today will be implemented from January 1, 2015. We must promptly take all the possible measures to prevent negative trends.


As is known, the forecasts of the development of the global economy for 2014 and the next two years were revised downward by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. That means we need to revise our own plans, and make adjustments for the coming period. There is no time for hesitation. The measures I will talk about today will be implemented from January 1, 2015. We must promptly take all the possible measures to prevent negative trends.


In a crisis, as we’re seeing the world over, economic policies must be re-evaluated. The sectors that need support are those which create the highest multiplier effect on economic growth and employment. We have already had such an experience. Suffice it to recall our successful anti-crisis measures in 2007-2009. As you see, life makes adjustments to the best laid plans. And we should add new content to the platform of our party based on today’s reality.