

In line with its administrative guideline of building a quality society, the Macao SAR Government maintains its policy of “A sound healthcare system, putting prevention first” and is committed to improving medical and healthcare quality and safeguarding the health of the public. There are three hospitals and one day hospital in Macao and 720 clinics that provide primary healthcare, among which 710 are private clinics. During 2013, there were1,514 doctors and 1,854 nurses, an increase of 2.2% and 5.9%, respectively, over the previous year. The ratio of doctors to residents was 1:400, that of nurses to residents was 1:323.Medical and health services providers in Macao are classified as Governmental or non-governmental. The former includes Government Health Centres for primary healthcare and Conde S. Januario Hospital, which provides specialists medical services. The latter includes medical entities subsidised by the Government and other institutions, such as Kiang Wu Hospital, the university Hospital, the Workers’ Clinic and Tung Sin Tong Clinic, as well as various private clinics and laboratories. Most medical services provided by Government Health Centres and Tung Sin Tong Clinic are basically free of charge.


為響應及達到世界衛生組織所倡議「人人享有衛生保健」的目標,衛生局在各區設立衛生中心,建成以衛生中心為單位的初級衛生保健網絡系統,全澳居民都可以在自己居所附近享受衛生中心提供的基本衛生保健服務。澳門目前共有6 間衛生中心及3 所衛生站,分佈在澳門及離島各區。其中,筷子基衛生中心及黑沙環衛生中心內設有中醫門診。各個衛生中心提供的服務包括產前保健、家庭計劃、兒童保健、成人保健、口腔保健、學童保健、健康教育和中醫服務。衛生中心向居民提供的免費衛生保健服務還包括家庭訪視、轉介服務、疫苗接種、醫務社工、心理保健、戒煙諮詢和其他護理服務。凡澳門合法居民,不論年齡和職業,前往衛生中心接受服務及由衛生中心轉介到仁伯爵綜合醫院進行輔助檢查,均毋須繳費。仁伯爵綜合醫院提供的服務,除特區政府規定的特定人士外,均須繳付費用。澳門居民的收費較低,非澳門居民收費較高。經過多年的發展,澳門建成以衛生中心為單位的健全的初級衛生保健網絡系統,此保健網絡系統被世界衛生組織評定為典範。

A Sound Primary Healthcare Network

To realise the objective of “Health for All” advocated by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Health Bureau has established Health Centres throughout the territory. The completion of a primary health care network with Health Centres as its operational units offers all Macao residents easy access to primary health care services in their own neighbourhoods. At present, there are six Health Centres and three Health Stations distributed throughout the different districts of Macao. Among them, the Fai Chi Kei and Areia Preta health centres are also equipped with traditional Chinese medicine clinics. All Health Centres provide prenatal care, family planning, children’s healthcare, adult healthcare, oral healthcare, student healthcare, health education and Traditional Chinese Medicine services. The free healthcare services provided by Health Centres also include family visits, referral, vaccination, medical social work, mental health care, quit-smoking consultation, and other nursing services. All legal residents of Macao, regardless of their age or occupation, are entitled to free services at Health Centres and supplementary check ups at Conde S. Januario Hospital by referral from Health Centres. Macao has established a sound primary healthcare network based on Government Health Centres – considered a model practice by the WHO.


特區政府投入充足的醫療衛生資源,2014 年衛生局總開支約49.1 億元,比2013 年增長15.8%。至2014 年底,澳門所有醫院合共提供1,512,567 人次的門診服務,提供462,008 人次的急診服務。2014 年的死亡率為千分之三點一,一歲以下嬰兒的死亡率亦為千分之二。出生時平均預期壽命男性為79.6 歲,女性為86.0 歲(2011年-2014 年),處於世界領先水平。根據《國際疾病分類第10 版》的組別分類,腫瘤是澳門的頭號都市殺手病,居第二位的是循環系統疾病,第三位是呼吸系統疾病。2014 年的統計資料顯示,這三種疾病死者佔全年死亡人口的比率分別是:36.6%、23.8% 和16.6%。

Medical and Health Resources

The Macao Government devotes considerable resources to medical and healthcare. In 2013, the Government’s budget for medical and health case was about 4.24 billion patacas, an increase of 5.74 percent over 2012. In 2013, the three hospitals received 1,442,907 outpatients, including 273,982 outpatients admitted to the emergency wards. In 2013, the general mortality rate was 3.2 per thousand residents, while the mortality rate for infants under one year old was two per thousand live births. The average life expectancy in Macao is 78.9 years for men and 85.6 years for women (2010-2013). The figure is on par with those of developed countries. According to the ICD-10-CM classification system (International Classification of Disease, Tenth Edition, Clinical Modification), malignant tumours were the biggest cause of death in Macao, while diseases of the circulatory diseases and respiratory diseases ranked second and third, respectively. In 2013, these three categories accounted for 37.4 percent, 24.4 percent and 16.7 percent, respectively, of all deaths during the year.


為提高澳門整體衛生水平,特區政府以「先改善,後改革」的原則,通過醫療改革諮詢委員會的前期運作,近年有序地推動和深化醫療改革項目,並且適時成立醫療活動申訴評估中心,協調和處理各種醫療糾紛。另外,衛生局全面落實各項醫療福利保障政策,包括延長衛生中心的服務時間,增設中醫門診服務,引進新型醫療儀器等。配合基礎設施的建設,積極優化衛生中心和仁伯爵綜合醫院等服務環境,縮短診症輪候時間,致力改善或革新醫療服務。2008 年,特區政府進一步加強與非牟利和私人醫療機構的合作,充分發揮社區衛生資源,其中醫療補貼計劃開拓了公私營醫療體系的合作,推動了社區家庭醫生制度的發展。此外,還通過與內地簽訂業務合作協議的形式,在食品安全、檢驗檢疫、中醫藥發展、藥品監督管理、醫學教育和培訓等不同範疇加強合作,協助澳門醫療衛生事業的不斷進步和發展。特區政府不斷加強公共衛生防控的機制、法制和體制建設,健全《傳染病防治法》及配套法規,並藉著應對登革熱、禽流感、嚴重急性呼吸道綜合徵和甲型H1N1 流感的經驗,進一步提升跨部門應變協調機制和防治能力。

Perfecting the Healthcare System

In order to improve the standard of Macao’s healthcare system, the MSAR Government adopts a policy by “first improving, then reforming” the system. Through operations conducted by the Healthcare Reform Advisory Committee, a series of medical reform projects have promoted and deepened the healthcare system. A Medical Activities and Complaints Assessment Centre has also been established to mediate and handle any medical disputes. The Health Bureau has been fully implementing different healthcare and social welfare policies, which include extending the working hours of health centres, introducing advanced medical devices, improving facilities and infrastructure of Conde S. Januario Hospital and other health centres, shortening waiting time for medical consultations, and optimising and reforming medical services. In 2008, the Government has strengthened its cooperation with non-governmental medical service providers, to fully utilise community health resources. A medical subsidy scheme has been launched for the very first time, in an attempt to promote the use of private medical practices within the community. In order to speed up the progress and development of Macao’s healthcare system, the Government has also signed cooperation agreements with the mainland on food safety, quarantine and inspection, development of traditional Chinese medicine, drug supervision and management, and medical education and training. The Government has strengthened its mechanism on disease prevention and control, and enhanced the Law on Prevention and Treatment of Communicable Diseases and elated regulations and ancillary measures to handle different health threats. It has also enhanced inter-departmental cooperation mechanism and capacity to tackle new forms of pandemic influenza, based on its experience in coping with dengue fever, avian flu, severe acute respiratory syndrome and H1N1 swine flu.