
幼稚園 Kindergartens

幼稚園為三至五歲學童提供幼稚園教育服務,由志願機構或私人團體營辦,全屬私營性質。所有幼稚園均須向教育局註冊,並受該局監管。2014年9月,共有176 400名兒童在978所幼稚園/幼稚園暨幼兒中心就讀。

Kindergarten education is offered to children in the 3-5 age group in kindergartens which are privately run by voluntary organisations or private bodies. These kindergartens are registered with, and supervised by the Education Bureau (EDB). In September 2014, about 176 400 pupils were enrolled in 978 kindergartens/kindergarten-cum-child care centres.


Existing government assistance to kindergartens includes rent, rates and government rent reimbursement to non-profit-making kindergartens, allocating purpose-built kindergarten premises in public housing estates, the remission of fees to needy parents through the Kindergarten and Child Care Centre Fee Remission Scheme and provision of training programmes for teachers and principals. The Pre-primary Education Voucher Scheme, introduced in the 2007/08 school year, provides direct fee subsidy for parents, which also enhances the quality of kindergartens .


The EDB has implemented the revised ‘Guide to the Pre-primary Curriculum’ since September 2007, providing the basic principles and direction for kindergartens to develop their school-based programmes.

小學教育 Primary Education


Primary Education: Primary schooling starts at the age of around six and there are 6 years of schooling at the primary level. There are three modes of operation in the primary schools, namely AM, PM and whole-day. Encouraged by the Government, most primary schools are adopting whole-day operation. All eligible children are, on application, allocated Primary 1 places in government and aided primary schools through the Primary One Admission System. The system consists of the Discretionary Places (DP) stage and the Central Allocation (CA) stage. At the DP stage, parents can apply for admission to only one government or aided primary school of their preference, and admission is based on the criteria prescribed by the EDB. At the CA stage, P1 places are centrally allocated by the EDB according to the school net, parents’ choice of schools, and a given random number. Chinese is the language of instruction in most schools with English taught as a second language.

2014年9月,共有約266 153名學童在452所公營小學就讀。

In September 2014, about 266 153 children were enrolled in 452 public sector primary schools.


Since the curriculum reform at the basic education level in the 2001/02 school year, there has been enhanced learning and teaching in classrooms. Students are now enjoying a wide range of learning activities and there are improvements in students’ generic skills, values and attitudes. They are becoming independent learners. Schools continue to adapt the central curriculum to meet students’ needs. By building on their strengths and experiences, schools can strengthen their curricula to help students better develop their lifelong learning capabilities and nurture their whole-person development.

中學教育 Secondary Education


On completion of primary education, all eligible pupils studying in participating primary schools are allocated subsidised Secondary 1 places through participation in the Secondary School Places Allocation System. The system consists of the Discretionary Places (DP) stage and the Central Allocation (CA) stage. At the DP stage, each student may apply to not more than two participating secondary schools and secondary schools may admit students in accordance with their admission criteria. At the CA stage, S1 places are allocated according to individual student’s allocation band, parental choice of schools and a given random number.

2014年9月,共有約302 110名學生在395所公營中學就讀。

In September 2014, 395 public sector secondary schools had a total student enrolment of about 302 110.

在2009年9月,新學制已由中四級開始順利實施。現時所有學生均可接受六年中學教育(即三年初中及三年高中)。學生在修畢中六課程時只須參加一個公開考試 - 香港中學文憑考試(文憑試),以取代以往的香港中學會考及香港高級程度會考。新高中為學生提供富彈性、連貫及多元化的課程,能照顧學生的不同興趣、需要和能力,並促進學生的全人發展及培養終身學習的能力,讓他們透過多元出路繼續升學、受訓或就業。

The new academic structure (NAS) has been implemented smoothly since September 2009 in Secondary 4. All students can now benefit from 6 years of secondary education (i.e. 3 years of junior secondary and 3 years of senior secondary education). On completion of Secondary 6, students take one public examination – the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination, which replaces the former Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination and Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination. The flexible, coherent and diversified senior secondary curriculum aims at catering for students’ varied interests, needs and abilities, as well as nurturing students’ whole-person development and lifelong learning capabilities for them to proceed, through multiple pathways, to further studies, training and employment.

高等教育 Higher Education


Hong Kong has 19 local degree-awarding higher education institutions, eight of which are funded through the UGC. Seven of the eight are universities and the remaining one is a teacher training institution.

由教資會資助的八所院校分別是:香港城市大學、香港浸會大學、嶺南大學、香港中文大學、香港教育學院、香港理工大學、香港科技大學和香港大學。在2014/15學年,共有全日制學生 87 600 人和兼讀制學生 3 900人就讀受公帑資助的學士學位課程和研究院課程。其餘11所並非由教資會資助的頒授學位院校分別是由公帑撥款的香港演藝學院,以及自資的香港公開大學、香港樹仁大學、珠海學院、恒生管理學院、東華學院、明愛專上學院、明德學院、職業訓練局-香港高等科技教育學院、香港能仁專上學院及港專學院。

The eight UGC-funded institutions are CityU, HKBU, Lingnan University, CUHK, HKIEd, PolyU, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and HKU. In the 2014/15 academic year, a total of 87 600 full-time students and 3900 part-time students enrolled for publicly-funded undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The other 11 degree-awarding tertiary institutions not funded by the UGC include the publicly-funded Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), the self-financing OUHK, Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU), Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hang Seng Management College, Tung Wah College, Caritas Institute of Higher Education, Centennial College, the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) of the VTC, Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education and HKCT Institute of Higher Education.


The HKAPA offers academic programmes from Diploma to Master Degree level in Dance, Drama, Film and Television, Music, Theatre & Entertainment Arts and Chinese Opera. In the 2014/15 academic year, the Academy enrols about 860 students for its full-time programmes.