
The key points and main considerations to the overseas operating of the investment entities.


The localization requirements (Required by Localized Countries)


Capital localization. Some countries require a certain percentage of the local capital;


Management localization. Some countries require the localization of some management positions, CEO, CFO or the Secretary of Board should be the local resident;


Staff proportion localization;


Income localization (BEE requirements in the South Africa);


Governmental project localization (some countries require the localization of governmental project, such as Malaysia).


Key points in the business fields


Investment entities can’t carry out the business beyond its approved business scope. some countries require that the Branch or the Representative Office of a foreign company can’t provide service or conduct the commercial activities;


Investment entities can’t access to the unauthorized business areas, in some countries, some sensitive areas will not be opened to foreign investment;


Some countries regulate that foreign investment entities can’t carry out come commercial activities such as buy land, some normal activities, for example, buying land and building house is not legal.


Key points to the Daily Operating of Foreign investment Entities


Legal Labor and employment. For example, some countries regulate that the salaries and benefits, daily management, dismissal and layoffs of staff should meet the local requirements;


Business licenses and permits are required in many countries to be periodically inspected and renewed;


Office space should meet the local requirements with necessary safety facilities and comfortable office environments;


Sound internal management system, finance, marketing system, etc.;


Legal departure and entry, legal use of the visa;


Complying with the customs and religious beliefs in the local countries.