2015年8月20日下午,“期貨公司並購中的交易要素及風控要點”專題研討會在星辰前海所階梯會議室成功舉辦。星辰前海所主任陳方律師、合夥人唐志峰律師等近20人參加了本次分享。In the afternoon of 20th Aug, 2015, Sincere Qianhai Lawyer (“SQL”) holds a symposium about the transaction element and risk control during the M&A of Futures Company in the steps meeting room. The president of SQL, lawyer Chen and the partner lawyer Peter Tang attends the symposium with other 20 staff
During the symposium, Yongyi Xie, Kemei Lin and Yumeng Tang share their professional understanding and point view in three aspects from the M&A procedure of Futures Company, the transaction element and the points of risk control.

The symposium attempts to discuss on why investors choosing to merger a Futures company? What key points are essential while mergering a Futures company, for example if the Futures Company specializing the bulk commodity or the financial business? Any specific license required? Should the company be all of our 4 Futures Exchange members? How about the membership’s nature, and how to set up the Futures Company’s governance structure. In addition, the symposium also concludes the legal risks of target chosen, dealing, and ownership transfer and completion stage.

Peter Tang emphasizes that in the most potential and creative area, SQL have to be far more familiar with the international commercial trade rules than Qianhai’s applicable laws and regulations. Sincere Qianhai Lawyer will insist the notion of “Responsibility, Sophisticated, Creation and Remarkable” and keep practicing and exploring further study of Merger and Acquisition for financial enterprises, making great endeavor to bring the top financial legal service in Qianhai and gradually creates the cutting-edge professional service platform of China.