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On June 19th, Dexun Investment and China Merchan Bank’s branch in High Tech Park hosted a finance forum at Sanyou Coffee House. As Sincere Qianhai’s strategic partner, the CMB branch invited SQ’s Operation Director Mr Liang Min to speak to and answer questions from Dexun Investment and its project companies about NEEQ (National Equities Exchange and Quotations).

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An expert in legal solutions for capital market, Mr Liang Min clearly and logically explained the importance of capital market to investors and startups in practical terms. Mr Liang emphasized on merits of and path to an NEEQ IPO for Dexun Investment and its project companies.


First, Mr Liang introduced that NEEQ gives companies in their growth period an increase to their initial investment. He then detailed the requirement of NEEQ offering, giving hope to growing companies at the meeting. Finally, using examples, he showcased the dramatic change enterprises underwent after their NEEQ IPO.

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Mr Liang said that NEEQ should be considered through the lens of future development. Minimal government intervention and innovation is its biggest strength. NEEQ gives confidence to every Chinese entrepreneurs, and therefore it will be energetic.


Mr Liang’s speech was highly regarded by angel investors and project companies present. Waves of entrepreneurs came to him to ask about a solution for NEEQ IPO by Sincere Qianhai.